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Title: Analisis Regulasi Tegangan Saluran Transmisi Jarak Menengah antara Gardu Induk Sidikalang dan Tarutung dengan Model Phi Nominal
Other Titles: Analysis of Distance Transmission Line Voltage Regulation Intermediate between Sidikalang and Tarutung Substations with Nominal Phi Models
Authors: Siregar, Reza Adithya
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Suwarno
Keywords: regulasi;tegangan saluran;transmisi jarak menengah;phi nominal;gardu induk;transmission line;voltage regulation;matlab
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;088120010
Abstract: Penelitian tugas akhir membahas tentang drop tegangan sisi penerima saluran transmisi jarak menengah juga dapat terjadi karena adanya jatuh tegangan di saluran karena impedansi seri saluran yang dihasilkan dari parameter resistansi saluran dan reaktansi induksif saluran, serta admitansi ketanah yaitu pengaruh medan listrik yang dihasilkan oleh penghantar udara terhadap tanah. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan regulasi tegangan saluran transmisi jarak menengah dengan memodelkan saluran dalam bentuk phi nominal dan mengkalkulasi konstanta saluran A, B C dan D. Alat bantu dalam studi regulasi saluran transmisi menggunakan komputer, karena peranan komputer dalam penentuan konstanta A, B, C dan D mempunyai keuntungan diantaranya fleksibel (dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis hampir semua persoalan), teliti, cepat dan ekonomis. Software komputer yang digunakan adalah Matlab, karena Matlab merupakan bahasa berbasis Grafic User Interface dan Matlab merupakan integrasi dari komputasi, visualisasi dan pemrograman yang dapat membantu menganalisis persoalan regulasi tegangan saluran transmisi Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh (V .R) sebesar 10,85 %, sedangkan arus sisi pengirim sebesar 538,255 A dengan PF. 0,762491, tegangan sisi pengirim 149,998 kV sedangkan daya aktif sebesar 106,628 MW dan daya reaktif sebesar 90,4771 Mvar. The study discusses the voltage-drop from the side of channel's receiver of medium-range transmission can also occur due to voltage-drop in the channel because the impedance of channel's series resulting from resistance channel's parameter and inductive reactant of channel, as well as admittance to the ground and the influence of the electric field produced by the conductor of the air to the ground. One of method that can be used to determine the voltage's regulation of medium-range channel's transmission is to model the channel in the form of phi nominal and calculate the constants of channel A, B, C and D. The tool aids in the study of regulation of the transmission channel is using the computer, because the role of it in the determination of the constants A, B, C and D has the advantages such as flexible (it can be used to analyze almost any problem), meticulous, fast and economical. Computer software used is Matlab, because Matlab's software language based Grafic User Interface (GUI). Matlab is an integration of computation; visualization and programming that can help analyze the problem of regulation of transmission's channel voltage. from the research's result of sender's side voltage as well as the voltage's regulation noted that there is the voltage-drop in receiver side in the amount of 10,85%, while the electrical current of the sender side is 538,255 A with PF=0,76 whereas the active power at 106,628 MW and reactive power at 90,4771 MVAR.
Description: 41 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Electrical Engineering

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