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Title: Relayout Lantai Produksi Percetakan Menggunakan Metode Computerized Relationship Layout Planning (Corelap) di PT. Bina Media Perintis
Other Titles: Relayout of the Printing Production Floor Using the Computerized Relationship Layout Planning (CORELAP) Method at PT. Bina Media Perintis
Authors: Sagala, Dody Prima
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Polewangi, Yudi Daeng
Keywords: tata letak fasilitas;efisiensi;computerized relationship layout planning(corelap);facility layout;efficiency
Issue Date: 17-Sep-2024
Series/Report no.: NPM;198150107
Abstract: PT. Bina Media Perintis adalah perusahaan manufaktur dengan total luas area 3500 M² dan luas lantai produksi 525 M². Perusahaan ini beroperasi di bidang penerbitan, percetakan, dan penjualan berbagai jenis buku, mulai dari buku agama, buku pelajaran, buku pengetahuan umum, dan berbagai jenis buku lainnya. PT. Bina Media Perintis dapat memproduksi 1000 hingga 1500 buku/hari. Penelitian ini diselesaikan menggunakan metode Computerized Relationship Layout Planning (CORELAP) dengan membuat Activity Relationship Chart (ARC) dan menghitung nilai Total Closeness Rating (TCR). Langkah selanjutnya adalah memasukkan data luas area untuk setiap departemen, mengisi tingkat kedekatan, dan menghitung nilai TCR ke dalam perangkat lunak CORELAP 1.0 untuk menghasilkan tata letak terbaik. Hasil penelitian dapat meningkatkan aliran material, meminimalkan jarak dan waktu antar stasiun. Pada layout usulan diperoleh pengurangan penggunaan ruangan dari layout awal dengan diameter awal 525 m²(21x25) menjadi 408 m²(17x24). Jarak penanganan material awal 205,5 m berkurang menjadi 149,5 m, dengan efisiensi jarak 37,45%, dan penurunan waktu transportasi produksi sebesar 822 detik dari waktu awal 3112 detik menjadi 2298 detik pada tata letak akhir, serta mencapai tingkat efisiensi waktu 35.77 %. PT. Bina Media Perintis is a manufacturing company with a total area of ​​3500 M² and a production floor area of ​​525 M². This company operates in the field of publishing, printing and selling various types of books, ranging from religious books, textbooks, general knowledge books and various other types of books. PT. Bina Media Perintis can produce 1000 to 1500 books/day. This research was completed using the Computerized Relationship Layout Planning (CORELAP) method by creating an Activity Relationship Chart (ARC) and calculating the Total Closeness Rating (TCR) value. The next step is to enter the area data for each department, fill in the proximity level, and calculate the TCR value into the CORELAP 1.0 software to produce the best layout. The research results can improve material flow, minimizing the distance and time between stations. In the proposed layout, a reduction in room use is obtained from the initial layout with an initial diameter of 525 m² (21x25) to 408 m² (17x24). The initial material handling distance of 205.5 m was reduced to 149.5 m, with a distance efficiency of 37.45%, and a reduction in production transportation time of 822 seconds from the initial time of 3112 seconds to 2298 seconds in the final layout, and achieved a time efficiency level of 35.77 %.
Description: 57 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Industrial Engineering

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