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Title: Analisis Pengendalian Bahan Baku Menggunakan Metode Eoq (Economic Order Quantity) pada UKM. Sibayak Ketaren Rattan
Other Titles: Analysis of Raw Material Control Using the Eoq (Economic Order Quantity) Method in SMEs. Sibayak Ketaren Rattan
Authors: Br Hutabarat, Grecia Alva Berti
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Silviana, Nukhe Andri
Keywords: bahan baku;EOQ;safety stock;reorder point;biaya total;raw materials;total cost
Issue Date: 13-Sep-2024
Series/Report no.: NPM;198150056
Abstract: UKM Sibayak Ketaren Rattan adalah usaha yang bergerak pada bidang kerajinan tangan dari rotan. Perusahaan ini tidak memiliki manajemen terhadap pengendalian persediaan bahan baku dan perencanaan safety stock dan reorder point. Dalam satu bulan perusahaan melakukan pembelian bahan baku rotan sebanyak 2 kali dan jumlah permintaan rata-rata sebesar 775 kg dan biaya total persediaan yang dikeluarkan sebesar Rp 1.300.000. Metode Economic Order Quantity adalah salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk pengendalian persediaan bahan baku dengan tujuan mengurangi biaya total dan jumlah pembelian bahan baku. Melalui penelitian metode Economic Order Quantity di UKM Sibayak Ketaren Rattan didapatkan hasil jumlah pembelian bahan baku rotan yang optimal dalam pemesanan sebanyak 619 kg dengan frekuensi sebanyak satu kali pemesanan dalam satu bulan dan memiliki safety stock sebesar 168,3 kg dan maximum stock yang dapat disimpan di gudang sebesar 787,3 kg serta melakukan reoder point sebesar 465,3 kg, sehingga biaya total persediaan bahan baku menurut Economic Order Quantity adalah Rp 779.811,77 sehingga selisih biaya total persediaan antara kebijakan perusahaan dan metode Economic Order Quantity ialah Rp 520.188,23. UKM Sibayak Ketaren Rattan is a business that operates in the craft sector rattan hands. This company has no management or control raw material inventory and safety stock planning and reorder points. In one month the company purchases rattan raw materials twice and the average quantity requested is 775 kg and the total inventory cost is issued amounting to IDR 1,300,000. The Economic Order Quantity method is wrong one method used to control raw material inventory with the aim of reducing total costs and the amount of raw material purchased. Through research on the Economic Order Quantity method in UKM Sibayak Ketaren Rattan The results obtained were the optimal amount of rattan raw material purchased in orders of 619 kg with a frequency of one order per order one month and has a safety stock of 168.3 kg and a maximum stock of 168.3 kg can be stored in a warehouse of 787.3 kg and carry out a reoder point of 465.3 kg, so the total cost of raw material inventory according to Economic Order Quantity is IDR 779,811.77 so the difference in total inventory costs is between company policy and the Economic Order Quantity method was IDR 520,188.23.
Description: 46 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Industrial Engineering

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