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Title: Pemberian Motivasi dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Peningkatan Prestasi Kerja Karyawan pada PT. Bank Danamon Cabang Iskandar Muda Medan
Other Titles: Giving Motivation and Its Effect on Increasing Employee Performance at PT. Bank Danamon Iskandar Muda Branch Medan
Authors: Ngenana, Sri
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Hasibuan, Rafiah
Keywords: motivasi;prestasi kerja
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPm;988300305
Abstract: Tidak dapat dipungkiri dimana sumber daya menusia berupa tenaga kerja harus di prioritaskan dari manajemen perusahaan. Disamping itu sumber daya manusia merupakan unsur yang cukup kompleks, sehingga dapat menimbulkan permasalahan bilamana perusahaan salah dalam pengolahannya. Bila sasaran/tujuan perusahaan tercapai, diharapkan perusahaan mampu memberikan rangsangan kepada karyawanana guna meningkatkan produktivitasnya dalam pelaksanaan tugas tugas yang dilimpahkan kepadanya. It is undeniable that human resources in the form of labor must be prioritized from company management. Besides that, human resources are a fairly complex element, so that it can cause problems if the company is wrong in processing it. If the company's goals/objectives are achieved, the company is expected to be able to provide incentives to employees in order to increase their productivity in carrying out the tasks assigned to them.
Description: 67 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Accountancy

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